Summary of anti-terror activity in the Gaza Strip

Summary of anti-terror activity in the Gaza Strip


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    The IDF operated in the southern Gaza Strip in order to prevent the terror organizations, Hamas in particular, from approaching the security fence and to thwart the launching of rockets and mortar shells into Israel.

    Today (25 October), IDF forces fired at Palestinian gunmen in two different incidents along the Gaza Strip security fence. In one of the incidents, IDF forces discovered that the two gunmen killed in the incident were carrying large quantities of arms. Also today, two gunmen, one of them a 15 year old youth, were identified planting two primed explosive devices after having carried them to the security fence in a cart. The force fired at the two gunmen and identified hitting one of them. The young gunman, who was not hit, was taken by the force for questioning.

    This year, approximately 80 bombs have been planted against forces along the Gaza Strip security fence.

    On Tuesday (23 October) , in the central Gaza Strip, the IDF targeted a vehicle carrying a senior wanted terrorist who was heavily involved in directing Kassam rocket launchings. On Wednesday (24 October), the IDF targeted a rocket launching cell, shortly after it fired a Kassam rocket at Israel.

    Over the week, Palestinians launched over 20 rockets and 40 mortars into Israel, most of which fell inside Israel. One of the rockets directly hit a residential building in the city of Sderot. In the past four months, over 1000 rockets and mortar shells were launched into Israel.